Eochelone brabantica Dollo, 1903
IRSNB R 0001
IG: 2710 Reg.: 1661
Age: Bruxellian, Lutetian, Eocene, Paleogene, Cenozoïc
Locality: Saint-Remy-Geest, Province du Brabant wallon, Belgium
Description: skull and partial frame-mounted skeleton
UUID: https://darwin.naturalsciences.be/darwin/search/view/uuid/1c8fe44c-9bee-4028-9611-efffa7281925
- Dollo L., 1903. Eochelone brabantica, tortue marine nouvelle du Bruxellien (Eocène moyen) de la Belgique. Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, classe des Sciences. Vol 8, pp 792-801 (no figured)
- Casier E., 1968. Le squelette céphalique de Eochelone brabantica L. Dollo, du Bruxellien (Lutétien inférieur) de Belgique et sa comparaison avec celui de Chelone mydas Linné. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique T44(9), pp1-12. (Pl. I, fig. a-b; Pl. II, fig. 1a-b & 2a-c)
- Zangerl R., 1980. Patterns of Phylogenetic Differentiation in the Toxochelyid and Cheloniid Sea Turtles. Amer. Zool., pp. 585-596 (pp. 594, fig. 10 b)
- Hirayama R., 1992. Humeral morphology of chelonioid sea-turtles; its functional analysis and phylogenetic implications. Bulletin of the Hobetsu Museum, T.8, pp. 17-57. (Fig. 5 G-I)
- Hirayama R., 1995. Phylogenetic systematics of chelonioid sea turtles. The Island Arc, T.III, pp 270-284. ( Fig. 5d, Fig. 6c)
- Grant-Mackie, Hill & Gill, 2011. Two Eocene chelonioid turtles from Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, pp. 1-14. (Humerus: Fig. 3 E-F; carapace: Fig. 4 C-D)
- Lapparent de Broin et al., 2018. The turtles from the upper Eocene, Osona County (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain): new material and its faunistic and environmental context + supplèment. Fossil Record, T.21, pp. 47 (pp. 247, Fig. 6 (xiphiplastra); p. 249, Fig. 7ab (schema); pp. 250, Fig. 8a; pp. 259, Fig. 11c + cité dans le supplement pp. 17)